Friday, December 28, 2012

Master Card - Money and Banking.

              Master Card - Money and Banking.

मुद्रा और बैंकिंग
१ अंक के प्रश्न
१.वस्तु विनमय किसे कहते हैं?
वस्तु का वस्तु के साथ लेन देन, वस्तु विनमय कहलाता है.
२. मुद्रा को परिभाषित करें.
मुद्रा एक वस्तु जो विनमय के माध्यम के रूप में सामान्य रूप में स्वीकार की जाती है.
३. मुद्रा की पूर्ति क्या होती है?
किसी एक समय जनता के पास मुद्रा का स्टॉक, मुद्रा की पूर्ति होती है.
४. बैंकिंग क्या होती है?
बैंकिंग एक वित्तीय संस्था है जो लोगों के रुपय को अपने पास जमा के रूप में रखती है और उन को उपभोग तथा निवेश के लिए उधार देती हैं.
५. उच्च सकती मुद्रा किसे कहते हैं?
इस में जनता के पास करेंसी (नोट+सिक्के) तथा बैंको के नगद कोष सामिल होते हैं .
६. साख मुद्रा किसे कहते हैं?
साख मुद्रा वह मुद्रा है जिसका मोद्रिक मुल्य वस्तु मुल्ये से ज्यादा होता है.
७. दोहरे संयोग की आवश्यकता से आप का अभिप्राय हैं?
इस का अर्थ है की किसी व्यक्ति की वस्तु दूसरे व्यक्ति की आवश्यकता को पहले व्यक्ति की वस्तु
दूसरे की आवश्यकता को पूरा करती है.
८. निकट मुद्रा के उदाहरण दें.
बोंड्स, शेयर, राष्ट्रीय बचत पत्र निकट मुद्रा के उदाहरण हैं.
९. बैंक की परिभाषा दें.
बैंक एक संस्था है जो लोगो के जमा स्वीकार करती है और ऋण देती है.
१०. भारत में मोद्रिक नीति कौन बनाता है ?
भारत में मौद्रिक नीति केन्द्रीय रिजर्व बैंक बनाता है.
११ देश में करंसी नोट कौन जारी करता हैं?
सेंट्रल बैंक(केन्द्रीय रिजर्व बैंक)
४ अंकों वाले प्रश्न
१. मुद्रा पूर्ति की संकुचित परिभाषा दें.
मुद्रा की सकुचित परिभाषा के अनुसार मुद्रा में सिर्फ नोट, सक्के और मांग जमा( चेकों द्वारा निकली जाने वाली जमाएँ) को शामिल किया जाता है.
२. केन्द्रीय बैंक किस तरह से साख को नियंत्रित करता है?
१. केन्द्रीय बैंक, सदस्य बैंको की नगद आरक्षित अनुपात को बढा कर या घटा कर,
२. उच्च बैंक दर- यह बाज़ार में उधार को नियंत्रण करता है,
३. खुले बाज़ार में प्रतिभुतिओं को बेचना – यह बाजार से अत्यधिक मुद्रा को कम करता है.
३.भारतीय मुद्रा पद्दति पर एक नोट लिखें.
केन्द्रीय बैंक के क्या कार्य हैं?
१. करेंसी जारी करना,
२. ये सरकार का बैंक ,प्रितिनिधि और सलाहकार होता है.
३. यह बैंको का बैंक होता हियो.
४. सरकार की विदेशी मुद्रा का संरक्षक और विदेशी मुद्रा भुगतान करता है.
५. अंतिम ऋणदाता
६. बैंको का निरक्षण करता है.
७. शाख का नियंत्रण करता है.
४.मुद्रा के क्या कार्य हैं?
मुद्रा के कार्य हैं: -
१. प्राथमिक कार्य : - (क) विनमय का माध्यम, (ख) मुद्रा का मापदण्ड.
२. द्वितीय कार्य : -(क) स्थगित भुगतानो का मान (ख) मूल्य का संचय (ग) मूल्य क हस्तातरण
५.वाणिज्यिक बैंको के क्या कार्य हैं ?
. प्राथमिक कार्य: -जामा स्वीकार करना.२. ऋण देना,
. गौण कार्य: - १.एजंसी कार्य:-विभिन् मदों का एकत्रीकरण और भुगतान, प्रतिभुतिओं की खरीद और बिक्री, ट्रस्टी तथा प्रबंधक, रुपया भेजना, विदेशी मुद्रा का क्रिय और विक्रय.
. सामान्य उपयोगिता की सेवाएँ – लोकर की सेवाएँ,यात्री चैक और साख प्रमाण पत्र, वस्तुओं के वाहन में सहायता.

Thursday, December 20, 2012


                                                  CLASS XII  ECONOMICS             
                                                   ONE MARK QUESTIONS

Q 1. Give two reasons for the problem of choice.

Ans.  1. Resources are scare 2. Resources have alternative uses.  
Q 2. Give meaning of opportunity cost.   

Ans. Opportunity cost refers to value of a factor in its next best (or second best) alternative use.

Q 3. What does problem' for whom to produce'?
  Ans. Problem of for whom to produce is related choose  the consumer of goods and services to be produce.

Q 4. Define marginal rate of transformation.
  Ans. When some resources are remove from production of 'Y' and employed to produce 'X' good, it the ratio of      lost of output of 'Y' and gain of output of 'X'.

Q 5. Define Opportunity cost.
    Ans. Opportunity cost refers to value of a factor in its next best (or second best) alternative use.

Q 6.  Define Micro economics.    

 Ans.  When economic problems are studied considering small economic units like an individual consumer, or an  individual producer.

Q 7. Define Macro economics.    

 Ans. Macro economics refers to the study of economic problems related to the  economy as whole.

Q 8. Give two examples of Micro and Macro economics.

ANS.  Macro examples: -1. Theory of consumer behaviour.2. Theory of producer behavior. 3. Theory of price.

Q 9. Define an economy.   

Ans. Economy is a system spread over a particular area that reveal the nature and level of economic activities  in that area. It show that how people of that area earned.

Q 10. Why is the study of consumer equilibrium a subject matter of Micro economics?
   Ans.  Because it is consumer is a single unit, so it studied under micro economics.
Q 11. Give one reason for rightward shift of production possibility curve.      

Ans. Growth of resources.

 Q 12. Define utility.    

Ans. Utility is a want satisfying  power of a commodity.

 Q 13. Give meaning of  equilibrium.
       Ans. Equilibrium is that situation where there is no need to change.

Q 14. Define a budget line.     

 Ans. It is line showing different possible combination of good -1 and good -2, which a consumer can buy, given his budget and the prices of Good -1 and Good -2.

Q 15. Define an indifference curve.
       Ans. An indifference curve is a diagrammatic presentation of an indifference      set. It shows a combination of two goods which a consumer is indifferent.

Q 16. Define an indifference map.
      Ans.  It refers to a set of indifference curves corresponding to different income level to the consumer.

Q 17. Where the equilibrium will struck in case of one commodity?      

Ans. Equilibrium will struck when MUx / Px = MUm.

18. When total utility start decline, what will be MU?      

Ans. MU become negative.

Q 19. Why the budget line is negative?      

Ans. The slope of budget line shows the rate at which market price allow the consumer to substitute good -1 for good 2.
Q 20. What is feasible or attainable combination?      

Ans. A consumer can afford to buy combination that fall along his budget or inside it, it is called feasible or attainable combination.

Q 21. Define marginal utility.     

 Ans. It refers to additional utility on account of the consumption of an additional unit of a commodity.

Q 22. Define demand by a consumer.  Ans. Demand for commodity refers to the desire to buy a commodity backed with sufficient purchasing
          power and willingness to spend. 

Q 23. When is a good called a 'normal good' ?
        Ans. When demand of a good is increased with the increase in income of the consumer.

Q 24. what is a demand schedule.     

 Ans. A demand schedule is a table showing the relationship between different quantities of a commodity to be purchased at different prices of that commodity.

Q 25. When is a good called inferior good ? 

Ans. A good can be inferior when income of the consumer increases  and demand for the goods decreases.
Q 26. Define individual demand schedule.     

Ans. It is that table showing different quantities of a commodity that one particular buyer in the market
              is ready to buy at different possible prices of the commodity at a point of time.

Q 27. What is meant by inferior good in economics ? 

Ans. These are the goods the demand for which decrease as
         income of buyer rises.

Q 28. what is meant by Giffen good in economics ? Ans. Giffen good is that inferior good whose income effect is negative but price effect is positive.

Q 29. What cause an upward movement along a demand curve ?   

  Ans.  Favorable change in taste and preferences, increase in income, increase in price of substitute goods.

Q 30.  Give one reason for a shift in demand curve. 

 Ans. Increase in price of substitute goods.

Q 31. What is market demand.     

Ans. Market demand is the demand of all the consumers of a commodity at given price.

Q 32. When is demand said to be price-elastic ?   

 Ans. When change in demand is more than change in price.

Q 33. When is the demand for a good said to be perfectly inelastic ?      

Ans. When the price of a commodity changes but there is no change in quantity demanded.

Q 34. Define production function.      

 Ans. Production function is functional relation between physical inputs and physical output.

Q 35.  Give meaning of marginal physical production.

Ans. MPP is the additional output caused by the use of an additional unit of the variable factor, other factors remaining constant. 

Q 36. Define Average  production .
     Ans. A P is output per unit of the variable factor used in the process of production.

Q 37. Give meaning of  'returns to a factor'.    

 Ans. When some factor remains constant , variable factor employed with fix factor than production will
          increase that is called returns to a factor.

Q 38. Define fixed cost.     Ans. Fixed factors are those factors which remains constant with the increase in the output.

Q 39. Give meaning of marginal cost.      

Ans. It is addition in the Total cost when one more unit of a output is produced.

Q 40. Define variable cost.

Ans. Variable costs are those cost which change as the level of output is changed.
Q 41.Define fixed cost .
    Ans.  Fixed cost are those cost which does not change with the level of out changes.

Q 42. Define total cost.     

Ans. Total cost refers to all expenses incurred by the producer to produce a given quantity of output.

Q  43. Why is average total cost greater than average variable cost.     

Ans. Because it the addition of AFC and AVC.

Q 43  A . Define explicit cost.    

Ans. Explicit cost is the expenses incurred by the producer for outside payments.

Q 44. Define Implicit cost.      

Ans. Implicit costs are opportunity cost of self owned or self employed resources.

 Q 45. What is the behavior of average fixed cost as output is decreased ?    

Ans.  Average fix cost will increase.

Q 46. Name the cost which does not change with change in output.   

 Ans. Fixed cost.

Q 47. Give two example of fixed cost.
    Ans. Salary of permanent staff and rent of factory building.

Q 48. What is the behavior of total variable cost, as output increase ?
   Ans. Total Variable Cost will increase with the increase in output.

Q 49. Why does average fixed cost fall with increase in output ?     

 Ans.  Because it is calculated from fixed cost. When output increases AFC will fall.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           Q 50. Define marginal revenue.   

Ans. Marginal revenue is the change in the total revenue on account of the sale of an additional unit of output.

Q 51. Give meaning of 'revenue'  in micro-economics.       

Ans.  By selling a commodity whatever money a firm receives is called revenue in micro economics.
Q 52. What is the shape  of marginal revenue curve.    

 Ans. It is u shaped.

Q 53. In what manner does average revenue of a firm under perfect competition change as output increase ? 

 Ans. Average revenue of a firm does not change with the change in the output in perfect competition. 

Q 54. in what manner does average revenue of a monopoly firm change as output increase ?     

  Ans. Under Monopoly firm Average revenue will decrease with the increase in output.

Q 55. What is revenue in microeconomics?

Q 56. In what manner does average revenue of a firm under monopolistic competition change as output increases?                         Ans. Under Monopolistic competition A R will decrease with increase  output.

Q 57. What behavior of marginal revenue in a market in which a firm can sell any quantity of the output it produce
       at a given price. 

   Ans.  MR will remains constant.

Q 58. What is meant by producer's equilibrium ? 

Ans. A producer's will be in equilibrium when he get maximum profit.
Q 59.What causes an upward movement along a supply curve ? 

  Ans.  Increase in the price of a commodity.Q 60. what causes a downward movement along a supply curve?      

 Ans. Decrease in price of a commodity.
Q 61. What causes a movement along a supply curve ?

Ans. Price of the commodity.Q 62. Give meaning of supply curve ?  

 Ans. Supply is quantity of refers to a schedule showing various quantity of a commodity that the producers are willing to sell at different possible prices of the commodity at a point of time.

Q 63. What is 'market supply'?    

  Ans. Market supply of a good refers to supply by all the firms producing that good.

Q 64. what does an upward movement along a supply curve indicate?

Ans. It shows increase in price of the commodity.

Q 65. What is meant by inelastic supply of  a commodity ?  

 Ans.  When supply of a commodity is zero elastic OR when supply does not at all respond to change in price of          the commodity.
Q 66. Give one reason for a rightward shift in supply curve .      

  Ans.  Technological improvement, increase in the number of firms.

Q 67. Define supply.Ans. Supply refers to the quantity of a commodity that a seller is willing to sell corresponding to a given price, at
        a given point of time.

Q 68. What is ' decrease'  in supply ?  

Ans. Decrease in supply Ans. If quantity supplied decreases due to factor other than price of the concerned commodity, it is a situation of decrease in supply. 

Q 69. Give meaning of price elasticity of supply .     

 Ans. It the ratio of change in supply to change in its price.

Q 70. Under which market form, is a firm price-taker?     

 Ans. Under perfect competition.

Q 71. State any one characteristics of monopolistic competition.   

 Ans.  Number of small firm selling differentiated product.

Q 72. Define monopoly.
     Ans. Monopoly is that market form in which only single seller control the market.

Q 73. What can you say about the number of buyers and seller under monopolistic competition.

Q 74. Give meaning of monopolistic competition.     

   Ans.  Monopolistic competition is that in which firms selling differentiated product.

Q 75. When is firm called price maker.    

Ans. when firm has fully control over the market.

Q 76. What is price-maker firm.  

 Ans.  Monopoly firm is price maker.

Q 77. Which market form has the leat number of producers?    

Ans. Oligopoly.

Q 78.  Define equilibrium price .    

    Ans. It is that price which is determined by demand forces and supply forces of the market.

Q 79.  What is meant by equilibrium price of a commodity?       

Ans. It is that price which is determined by demand forces and supply forces of the market.

Q 80. Define capital good .
       Ans. Capital goods are those good which help to produce other goods. Like machine.

Q 81. What are stock variables?     

Ans. Stock variable are those variable which measures at point of time. 

Q 82.Define 'depreciation . 

Ans.  It is lose of fixed assets due to production of goods.

83. Define intermediate good.  

 Ans. Intermediate goods are those  good which used to make final good.

Q 84. Define final good. Ans. Final goods are those goods which crossed the boundary line of production and  are
         ready to consume

.Q 85. Define flow variable.
      Ans. Flow variable are those variable which measured at period of time.

Q 86. Define consumption good .
     Ans. Consumption goods are those goods which consumed by final user of the good. 

Q 87. Define domestic product.  

Ans. Domestic product is the total production of goods and services in an accounting year.
Q 88. What is transfer payment .    

 Ans. Transfer payments are unilateral transfer or one side transfer payment like old age pension, pocket
          money. scholarship.

Q 89. What is gross investment?
  Ans. It sum of net investment and depreciation.

Q 90. Give the meaning of money? 

Ans. Money refers to a thing (like notes and coins) which is commonly accepted as a medium of exchange.

Q 91. Name two components of money supply. Ans.  M1 and M2.

Q 92.What are demand deposits?
     Ans. Demand deposits are those deposits which can be withdrawn from the bank on demand or by writing a
             cheque any time.

Q 93. What is meant by cash reserve ratio? 

Ans. CRR requires the commercial banks to maintain certain minimum cash reserves with Central bank.
Q 94. What is Central bank?    

Ans. Central bank is an apex institution of a country that control and regulates the monetary and financial system of a country.

Q 95. What are the time deposits?

Ans.  Time deposits are those deposits which are not withdrawn with cheque.
Q 96. What is statutory liquidity ratio?

Ans. SLR requires the commercial bank to maintained a specified percentage of total deposits in the form of liquid assets.

Q 97. Define aggregate supply? 

ans. Aggregate demand is value of all the goods and services produced in an accounting year.

Q 98. Define propensity to consume?
  Ans. Propensity to consume is the ratio of income to consumption.

Q 99.  Define average  propensity to consume?

Ans. APC refers to ratio between aggregate consumption and aggregate income.   APC= Change in consumption / change in income.

Q 100. Define propensity to save? 

Ans. It refers to the ratio of saving to income.

Q 101. Define involuntary unemployment.

Ans. Involuntary unemployment is that situation when people are ready to work but there is no employment.

Q 102.Give meaning of aggregate demand.

 Ans. Aggregate demand is the total expenditure of an economy on final goods and services in an accounting year.
Q 103. What is ex- ante aggregate ?
Ans. Ex-ante aggregate demand refers to desired or planned expenditure of the people in the economy during the year.

Q 104. Give the meaning of  marginal propensity to save.

Ans. Marginal propensity to save is the ratio of change in saving to change in come.
Q 105. When is there the equilibrium level of income? 

Ans. When aggregate demand and aggregate supply  are equal to each other. 

Q 106. What is minimum level of multiplier?

Ans.  Minimum level of multiplier is equal to 1.
Q 107. Give meaning of excess demand.

Ans. When aggregate demand greater than aggregate supply corresponding to full employment.
Q 108. Give the meaning of deficit demand. 

Ans. Deficit demand refers to the situation when AD is less than AS corresponding to full employment equilibrium.
Q 109. Give the meaning of inflationary demand? 

Ans. It is excess of aggregate demand over and above of its level of required to maintain full employment equilibrium in the economy.

Q 110.  Why are borrowing treated as capital receipts? 

Ans. Borrowing treated as capital receipt because they create a liability for the government.

Q 111. Why is recovery of loans treated as capital  receipt?

Ans. Because it leads to reduction in assets.

Q 112. Why repayment of loan treated as capital expenditure?

Ans.  Because in reduces assets.

Q 113. Why interest receipt  treated as revenue receipt?

Ans.  Because it do not create a liability or lead to reduction in assets.

Q 114. Why are receipt of taxes treated as revenue?

Ans. Because it do not create a liability or lead to reduction in assets.

Q 115. What is government budget.

Ans. A government budget is a statement showing estimated receipt and estimated expenditure of the government during a fiscal year.

Q 116. Give meaning of non -tax receipt of the government?

Ans. Non tax receipt are those receipt which are other than tax.

Q 117. Why are tax receipt by the government not treated as capital receipt?

Ans. Because it do not create a liability nor reduce assets.

Q 118. Define development expenditure in the government expenditure.

Ans. Development expenditure is the expenditure on activities which are directly related to economic and social development.

Q 119. Define plan expenditure in government  expenditure.

Ans. Planned expenditure is the expenditure to be incurred during the year in accordance with the plan for the year.

Q 120. Define tax.Ans. Tax is compulsory payment to the government.

Q 121. Give two example of direct taxes.Ans. Income tax and wealth tax.

Q 122. How Primary deficit calculated. 

Ans.  Primary deficit is equal to fiscal deficit reduced by interest payments.

Q 123. Give two example of capital receipts in a government budget.

Ans. 1. Recovery of loan 2. Borrowing. 

Q 124. Name two sources of demand for foreign exchange.
ans. 1. Payments of international loans. 2. Investment in rest of the world.
Q 125. What is fixed exchange rate system ?

Ans. It is that exchange rate which is decided by government authority.

Q 126. What is fixed foreign exchange rate ?

Ans. It is that exchange rate which is decided by government authority.

Q 127. Define flexible foreign exchange rate.

Ans. Flexible exchange rate is that rate which is determined by demand and supply of foreign exchange.

Q 128. State two sources of demand for foreign exchange.

Q 129. What is foreign exchange ?

Ans. Foreign exchange mean currency of a country.

Q 130. What is meant by balance of payment?

Ans. Balance of payments refers to the statement of accounts recording all economic transactions of a given country with rest of the world.

Q 131. What is the different between Value of export of goods and value of import of goods called?

Ans.  Balance of trade.

Q 132. What does deficit in balance of trade account indicating?

Ans.  Deficit in balance of trade occurs when: Export of goods less than import.

Q 133. When will balance of trade show surplus?

Ans.   When value of Export of goods more  than import.

Q 134. List items of capital account of balance of payments.

Ans. 1. Foreign investment. 2. Loans 3. Changes in reserve of Gold and foreign exchange.

Q 135. Give meaning of balance of trade. 

Ans.  Balance of trade is defined as the difference between the value of imports and exports of only physical goods.    
