Saturday, March 12, 2016

Real GDP at Constant Prices and Nominal GDP at Current Prices


                   Real GDP OR GDP at constant prices is very useful index to the measure of real or actual growth of an economy . It is define as the value of current output at same base year prices. It is obtained b multiplying the good and services produced in the base or constant year. This is estimate is a reliable index of economic growth of a country.

Nominal GDP or GDP at current prices is a poor index to measure the eco. growth of a country. It is define as the value of current output at current year prices. It is obtained by multiplying the goods and services produced in the current year.. It is also called monetary GDP.

     Conversion of GDP at Current prices into GDP at Constant prices: - GDP at current prices includes changes in the price to neutralize the effect into GDP at Constant price.( Real GDP)
GDP at CONSTANT PRICES = GDP at Current Prices / Price index for the current year X Base year
GDP DEFLATOR: - It is the average level of prices of all goods and services that make GDP.
                                It is calculated as GDP Deflator = Nominal GDP/ Real GDP X 100.

Numerical Problems -
1. GDP at Current price is 1,50,000 and price index for the current year is Rs.150/-.Find GDP at constant prices.
2. If the real GDP is Rs.400 and Nominal GDP is 450, Calculate the price index?
3. How Real GDP at constant prices is a index of welfare in the economy.
4. There is unequal distribution of income in the economy. How increase in the GDP may be the index of welfare? Explain.
5. Explain the effect of externalities on the welfare of the people? In which conditions externalities increases economics welfare of the society.
6. India economy is growing economy in the world still in some part of Indian economy, barter system is used for exchange. How it effect the index of welfare?
7. Does GDP a appropriate Index of Welfare? Explain.
8.  Distinguish between Real GDP and Nominal GDP.


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